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Nathanhit (27.03.2025 21:44:32)
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A small federal agency that sends money to help communities in Africa became a flashpoint Thursday in the Trump administration’s efforts to shut down foreign aid and reduce the size of the federal government.

A Trump-backed government official, staffers from the Department of Government Efficiency and federal law enforcement entered the offices of the U.S. African Development Foundation on Thursday, and the fight between the Senate-confirmed foundation’s board and Trump administration emissaries spilled into an emergency court fight, according to court records and photos of the in-person standoff captured by the New York Times.
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The standoff was quelled when a judge stepped in Thursday afternoon, keeping the foundation’s existing board in place for a few days until a court hearing could take place.

The African Development Foundation, an independent agency that has provided more than $100 million to African farmers, entrepreneurs and community organizations in the last five years, has been among the foreign aid groups that Trump has targeted to eliminate via an executive order he issued two weeks ago. The work of DOGE at the agency so far, the lawsuit says, mirrors how other foreign aid agencies have been dismantled by the Trump administration.

Trump’s plan for the African Development Foundation snapped into action almost immediately, with DOGE staffers meeting with the foundation’s leadership within days of Trump’s February 21 executive order. The Trump administration then told a board member, Ward Brehm, he was being removed from his position, and a new acting chair would be in charge.
Faced with the overhaul, the board held an emergency meeting on Monday to push back, according to a lawsuit filed in federal court in Washington this week. The board decided Trump’s appointee, Peter Marocco — the de-facto acting leader of USAID, another agency Trump has targeted — was not lawfully in the job, and they alerted Congress, the removed board member Ward Brehm’s lawsuit said.

Marocco still showed up at the fund’s headquarters with staffers of the Department of Government Efficiency on Wednesday afternoon. They “were denied access to those offices,” the lawsuit said. “Marocco and his colleagues threatened to return to the offices with United States Marshals and Secret Service.”

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Carloshet (27.03.2025 19:58:37)
Narwhals may be using their tusks to play, new study finds
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Scientists say they have the first recorded video evidence of narwhals using tusks not only to strike and manipulate fish during feeding but also engage in what appears to be playful behavior, according to the latest research.

The narwhal, often referred to as the “unicorn of the sea” in a nod to its trademark tusk, has long remained an enigma. Scientists have observed few interactions of narwhals in their natural habitat, creating speculation about the purpose of the species’ distinctive spiraling tusk.
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Found predominantly in males, the tusk grows up to 10 feet (3 meters) long — and previous research has suggested it serves as a competitive display to secure mates. But now, with the help of drones, research conducted in the Canadian High Arctic has uncovered that a narwhal may use its tusk for more than just courtship.

In total, the researchers newly identified and described 17 distinct behaviors of narwhals involving prey. The findings revealed a wide range of interactions and dynamics between narwhals and fish as well as the extraordinary agility, precision and speed of their tusks to track moving targets, according to the study published February 27 in the journal Frontiers in Marine Science.

“Seeing that these animals are not actually hunting the fish but exploring, manipulating and interacting with it was really a game changer,” said lead author Dr. Gregory O’Corry-Crowe, a research professor in the Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute at Florida Atlantic University.

Since so little is understood about this whale species, researchers like O’Corry-Crowe and his colleagues are working diligently to conduct studies to document narwhals’ unknown behaviors to better understand how these animals adapt in a rapidly shifting habitat as oceans warm and sea ice melts.
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The study team captured the groundbreaking footage using drones in Creswell Bay, on the eastern side of Somerset Island in Canada’s Nunavut territory, during the summer of 2022.

As the researchers analyzed the footage, they noticed subtle nuances in the narwhals’ behavior. Footage even captured one instance of a narwhal interacting with a fish by repeatedly nudging it with its tusk — which is actually a giant tooth — without attempting to eat it.

When researchers observed a lack of aggression in some interactions between narwhals and fish, they realized these scenarios were more similar to a cat-and-mouse game, in which the animals were chasing or “playing” rather than hunting, O’Corry-Crowe said.

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